To register CLICK HERE     To volunteer CLICK HERE

Our First Scouts Read Sacred Texts Worldwide event greatly exceeded everyone’s expectations. On May 2, 2024, the National Day of Prayer, we had over 3600 youth read their sacred texts for over 800 hours. 

Most read at home with their families. In addition to the United States, we had youth from Kenya, Nigeria, Puerto Rico, Belgium, Bangladesh, Chile, Singapore, Okinawa, and the Philippines.

Scouts had never done this before.   We made history.

Some important changes for 2025

  • We invite all youth serving organizations and faith youth groups to join us.
  • We encourage all youth to read on May 1, or anytime that week that is convenient.
  • We suggest that youth, their families or faith leaders decide texts to be read.

Click here for 2025 video

Our worldwide Sacred texts event is much more than the reading that week.  Each youth that participates will have engaged in a discussion with their Scout leader, family or friend about their Faith’s Sacred Texts.  For some, it may be the first time they have read their Sacred texts.  Our hope is it will not be the last.  We are encouraging a practice that continues to change lives.    

The registration form allows you to help in different ways.

  1. Volunteer to organize and promote this event in your council and/or other youth organizations.
  2. Add this event on your council, youth or faith organization’s calendars.
  3. Promote this event to other youth serving organizations and faith youth groups.  
  4. Post the video and flyer on social media.

Download the Youth and Scout Flyers here:

Scout Flyer  Youth Flyer







These patches and stickers are used to celebrate this event.   We suggest ordering in advance so they can be given out that week. The patch is 3 x 3 with a button loop.  Patches can be purchased individually or in larger quantities. There are two new sticker options this year. These two-inch vinyl stickers are perfect for water bottles, backpacks, laptops, and phones.

Participating in this event could help Scouts satisfy the Duty to God requirement necessary for advancement.

The Scout Oath begins with “I will do my best to do my Duty to God… and the Scout Law ends with …” A Scout is Reverent”. The 12th Point of the Scout Law is “A Scout is Reverent.”

May God bless our efforts!

Questions? Please contact scoutsreadsacredtexts@gmail.com




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