Roundtable, OA Chapter Meeting, Venturing Officer’s Association
The District Roundtables are a great way for adult volunteers (and Scouts!) to get information and ideas to strengthen your scouting unit. Roundtable is held on the first Tuesday of each month (except June, July, and August) at 7 pm. Feel free to join us for fellowship before meeting starting at 6:15 pm. Please email if you need to get added to our newsletter or questions. Typically we have Roundtable at First Christian Church, 310 South Main Street, Edwardsville, IL.
Eagle Boards of Review
2nd Thursday of every month
6:40 pm – 9:00 pm @ Tri-Township park Community Center/Park Office (410 Wickliffe Street Troy, IL 62294) See Helpfull Information - Advancement drop down for more info.
District Committee Meetings
Third Tuesday of each month (except June & July)
6:30 p.m. via Zoom! We would love to have more people get involved at the District level. If you are interested in joining our committee please email either Kyle Lamm.
Commissioner Meetings
First Tuesday of each month (except June & July)
6:30 p.m. via Zoom! The link is the same as our Roundtable Zoom link. Non-commissioners will be put in the waiting room until time for Roundtable. Being a Commissioner is the perfect way to serve Scouting if you son or daughter has aged out but you still really love the program. Our Commissioners ensure that our Units are equipped to serve their youth in the best possible ways. If you'd like to know more about becoming a Commissioner, contact Steven Kupsky at