Contact Information
Name | Title | Phone | |
Nina Saha | District Executive | 314-256-3082 | |
John Parish | District Chair | 314-471-9527 | |
District Vice Chair | |||
David DuBois | District Commissioner | 314-603-7017 | |
Tom Coscia | Activities Chair, Awards & Webmaster | 314-780-3021 | |
Mark Barnes | Advancement Chair | 314-276-8228 | |
Candice Evans | Camp Card Chair | 314-337-5463 | |
Joel Schwartz | Camping Chair | | |
Sara Wireman | Communication Chair | 314-313-1845 | |
Amy Oliver | Cub Scout Roundtable Commissioner | 314-708-4099 | |
Sandy Balch | Eagle Board of Review Chair | 314-660-3960 | |
Rob Brockhaus | Friends of Scouting Chair | 314-282-7188 | |
Patti O’Brien | Family Friends of Scouting Chair | 314-757-9075 | |
Susan Perkins | Scouting for Food Chair | 314-971-5480 | |
Susan Perkins | Membership Chair | 314-971-5480 | |
Steve Masaki | STEM Chair | 314-229-9551 | |
Eric Page | Nominating Committee Chair | 832-289-6710 | |
Barb Barrett | Order of the Arrow Advisor | 314-221-7928 | |
Candice Evans | Popcorn Chair | 314-337-5463 | |
Vacant | Scouts BSA Roundtable Commissioner | ||
Michael “Mike” Ruzicka | Training Chair | 314-598-7899 | |
Patty Krieger | Venturing Officers Association Advisor | 314-733-0235 | |
Eagle Candidates
Scheduling an Eagle Board of Review
Eagle Boards of Review are scheduled for the 2nd Thursday and 4th Monday of each month at Mt. Zion United Methodist Church, 1485 Craig Rd., St Louis MO 63146 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. To schedule a Board of Review date and time, the Scout MUST contact Sandy Balch at (314) 660-3960. The call must be at least 5 days prior to the expected Board of Review date to schedule an appointment. It is important that the Scout has all required signature and material prepared for the meeting. It is also important that the Scoutmaster or another unit leader attends the Board of Review with the Eagle Scout candidate.
Scheduling a Project Proposal Review
- The Scout will need to make sure that they are using the most current Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook. It is linked to the National site HERE.
- An email will be sent to the Scout that confirms the date, time and location of the Eagle board and provides information regarding what must be brought to the Eagle Board.
- Page H of the Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook needs to must be signed by the benefiting organization representative, the unit Leader and a unit committee member.
- The Scout must not start the project until receiving the approval from the Eagle Board of Review. The Board members will sign the proposal signifying approval.
The Scout needs to bring copies of the following from the Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook to the Board of Review: Two (2) copies of the Contact Information page and the following three (3) pages that describes the project. Also bring all originals and any other support material, diagrams or pictures.
We encourage the Scoutmaster or another unit leader to attend with the Scout.
Submitting the Eagle Scout Application to Council
Ensure that the Scout is using the most current Eagle Scout Application, found HERE.
If the Scout’s troop uses Scoutbook, they can easily download a prefilled Eagle Scout application form with all their data. All they will need to add are their references, leadership position and signatures. In Scoutbook, they just go to the “Reports” section on the Scout’s homepage in Scoutbook and then click “Eagle Application”.
The following documents must be taken to the Council office: 4568 West Pine, St. Louis, MO 63108 OR Eagle Scout candidates can submit their Eagle Scout application electronically to Please note, files should be in pdf format and cannot exceed 20 MB. Multiple emails with attachments may be necessary.
- Eagle Scout Application with signature from the unit leader and unit committee.
- Merit badge cards are not needed if the Scout's unit uses Scoutbook and all merit badge info on the Eagle Scout Application matches Scoutbook. Otherwise, you need to include the twenty-one (21) merit badge cards that are listed on the Eagle Scout application.
- A Statement of Ambitions and Life Purpose.
- Eagle Scout Service Project Proposal Page H (2023). This page must contain signatures of the Scout, the Unit Leader, the unit committee, the Beneficiary, and District Eagle Board. This document indicates that the project met the qualifications and was approved before starting the project.
- Eagle Scout Service Project Report Page C (2023) This page must contain the signature of the Scout, the Beneficiary and the Unit Leader. The unit leader must be the registered Scoutmaster, Crew Advisor, or Skipper.
- Five letters of recommendations sealed in envelopes (letters should match the references on Requirement #2 of your Eagle Scout Applications). Note: Only needed for in person submissions to council. Not necessary for online paperwork approvals.The Council will review and return the signed application or communication regarding any errors by email. Once you receive the Council signed application, you will print this new version and add it to your Eagle documentation. The Eagle Board must have the copy containing the Council’s signature.
Scheduling the Final Eagle Board of Review
Before scheduling an appointment, the Scout must have the Eagle Application signed by the Council.
The Scout MUST contact Sandy Balch, Eagle Board Chair, at (314) 660-3960. If you leave a message, please speak slowing and give your name, troop number and phone number.
An email will be sent to the Scout that confirms the date, time and location of the Eagle board and provides information regarding what must be brought to the Eagle Board.
The Scout needs to bring to the Eagle Board ALL ORIGINALS, the five (5) letters in sealed envelopes, and pictures, diagrams or other support material. Also bring two (2) copies of the following:
- The Eagle Scout Application
- Statement of Ambitions and Life Purpose
- The completed Eagle Scout Service Project report (the last section of the workbook)
We encourage the Scoutmaster or another unit leader to attend with the Scout.
Once the Eagle Board has approved your application, submit your application again by email to the council. (Or you can submit in person) The council will submit it to the national office. You can pick up your certificate at the MacArthur Service Center when they notify you that it is ready.
The Eagle Recognition kit will be presented when the Eagle Certificate is picked up at the MacArthur Service Center.
Important Information Regarding Eagle Scout Time Extension Request
The Council has the authority to grant limited extensions of time to complete requirements. Extension requests will be reviewed locally rather than through the national office.
If a Scout finds that due to no fault or choice of his or her own, it will be impossible to complete the Eagle Scout rank requirements before age 18, the Scout may apply to the Council for a limited time extension. These extensions will only be granted when necessary and are reserved only for work on Eagle. When a time extension is requested, the Scout would continue working on the requirements until a final decision from Council is received. Scouts will only grant enough time to complete the requirements, but not more than a total of six months after the 18th birthday. Under most circumstance, three to four months has been sufficient time. At this time, a request must meet the three tests listed below to be approved
- The member joined or rejoined (or became active again after a period of inactivity, or became refocused on advancement after a period of inattention) in time to complete all requirements before turning 18.
- Through no fault or choice of the Scout, an unforeseen circumstance or life changing event with severe consequences has come to exist that now precludes completion of the requirements before the deadline.
- The circumstance is beyond the control of the Scout, could not have been anticipated or planned for, and was not or cannot be resolved in time to complete the requirements.
- Eagle Extension Form
- Eagle Extension FAQ
- Eagle Extension Request and Review Process
- Appealing A Time Extension Request Denial
- Appeal of Extension Request Denial Form
Extensions approved under the COVID-19 authority remain valid until their deadline date.
Any new or additional time requests will have to be submitted using the current process.
Council will research and evaluate the request and recommend the decision to the Scout executive. A letter will be sent either granting or denying the request. Requests for time extensions must be submitted to a council’s service center in person, electronically, or by mail. Please follow this link to see the guidelines on Extensions.
If you have any questions, please contact:
Sandy Balch
Pathfinder District Eagle Chair
(314) 660-3960
Troop Promo Flyers
Roundtable Handouts
2023-24 Program Planning Links
Cub Scouts
Scouts BSA
Venturing / Sea Scouts
Still looking to attract Arrow of Light (5th grade Cub Scouts) to your Troop? We have a new Troop Promo Flyer you can use to showcase your unit with prospective Scouts.
- Post your unit logo and photos
- Share when, where you meet
- Highlight what’s unique about your unit and share a Scout testimonial
- Share your Calendar
The template can be printed or used electronically (or both). Questions? Contact your Unit Commissioner or Susan Rode-Perkins (
Click HERE for the PowerPoint Download
Click on Image for the Derby Manual
April Update - PDF Edition
March Update
Leader Hall of Fame
Pathfinder Silver Beaver Recipients - Click Here
Recipients are listed by year than alpha.
Pathfinder District Award of Merit Recipients - Click Here
Recipients are listed by year than alpha.
Pathfinder Chapter Vigil Honor Recipients - Click Here
Recipients are listed by year than alpha.
Pack Promo Flyers