Our next Okpik Course will be held in December of 2025-January 2026
The purpose of the nationally acclaimed OKPIK program, made famous at Northern Tier, is to teach Scouts and Scout leaders how to be comfortable and safe while camping in cold weather. This training enables Scout units to extend their camping season to a full 12-months. These unique skills are delivered in a safe environment and culminates in a 24-hour outdoor overnight session that tests your new-found skills while enjoying some Scout fellowship and competition. This is NOT a survival skills session – it is an opportunity to learn about how winter camping can be fun and exciting, and still be enjoyable! Program is delivered in a troop setting, where each participant is assigned to a unique cold weather patrol. There are three troop meetings that are mandatory for graduation. The third final meeting is our outdoor overnight adventure!
All troop meetings are held at Beaumont Scout Reservation.
Program areas include: first aid, cooking, nutrition, travel planning, shelters, clothing systems, sleeping systems, mental aspects of winter camping, nature, games, and FUN!
Youth Participant Requirements
Youth must be 14 years old and at least First Class as of December 9, 2023, have long-term camping experience, and have their Scoutmaster’s and Parental/Guardian approvals. Venturers may participate with the same restrictions less the First Class rank.
Please direct any questions to OKPIK Coordinator – Rick Bopp
Required Forms Okpik Training:
Unit Leader Approval Form
Okpik Staff Meeting Dates:
Staff will be contacted by the Course Director with meeting dates and times.