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Duty to God Moments
Looking for a resource for your Scouts or unit leaders to share a Duty to God moment at a unit meeting? Click Duty to God Moments

Youth Read Sacred Texts Worldwide
Our First Scouts Read Sacred Texts Worldwide event greatly exceeded everyone’s expectations. On May 2, 2024, on the National Day of Prayer, we had over 3600 youth from 177 councils participate. They read their sacred texts for over 800 hours. Nearly 3900 patches were ordered.

Most Scouts read at home with their families. In addition to the United States, we had Scouts from Kenya, Nigeria, Puerto Rico, Belgium, Bangladesh, Chile, Singapore, Okinawa, and the Philippines. We had several Girl Scouts and youth from other religious organizations that weren’t in scouting. Scouts had never done this before. We made history.

Guess what? We are going to repeat this event on May 1, 2025. We plan to significantly expand our participation and invite other youth organizations plus youth from all Faiths to join us. We are making some minor but important changes:

1. We encourage all youth to read on the evening of May 1 (which is the U.S. National Day of Prayer) or anytime that week that is convenient.

2. We are suggesting that youth, their families and/or faith leaders decide the specific texts to be read. We suggest youth read for at least 15 minutes but that is up to each individual.

3. We are inviting other youth organizations including 4-H, American Heritage Girls, Camp Fire Boys & Girls, Girl Scouts USA, the Greater Waco Interfaith Conference, International Scouts, Sea Scouts, Trail Life USA, and ALL faith’s youth groups to join us.

We need your help to make this happen. This registration form allows you to indicate your support in different ways.

1. Volunteer to organize and promote this event in your council and/or other youth organization
2. Add this event on your council, youth or faith organization calendars as soon as possible.
3. Volunteer to contact and promote this event to other organizations like 4-H, American Heritage Girls, Girl Scouts, etc.
4. Post our event on social media.
5. Finally, suggest other youth organizations we should include.

Just like this year, a commemorative patch will be available to purchase. Participating in this event could help Scouts satisfy the Duty to God requirement  necessary for advancement. May God bless our efforts.

To sign up for the event in 2025, click HERE

Greater St Louis Area Council Duty to God Award

The Council Duty to God Award was created to recognize registered Scouters who have demonstrated an exemplary history of transformational leadership in supporting and promoting the spiritual foundation of Scouting at the local Council level. It acknowledges the unswerving dedication to faith, fellowship, and service of those whose character embodies the moral principles and shared ideals of Scouting. The award distinguishes Scouters who selflessly work to prepare youth for life by perpetuating the merit and legacy of a Scout’s duty to their Creator. Nominations are open to candidates from all faiths and religious groups.

Here is the award link https://www.scouting.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Council-Duty-to-God-Nomination-Application-fillable.pdf

Completed nomination forms to be emailed to Jim Marchbank at jimmarchbank@gmail.com


Bronze Pelican Emblem
The Bronze Pelican Emblem is a diocesan recognition defined by the Catholic Committee on Scouting. The Purpose of this emblem is to recognize outstanding contribution to the spiritual development of Catholic youth in Scouting, with an emphasis on developing Christian ideals and awareness of God in all Scouting activities. This Emblem is presented at the recipient’s local church, or a ceremony designated by the applicant.

St. George Emblem
The St. George Emblem is a national recognition defined by the National Catholic Committee on Scouting. The purpose of this emblem is to recognize members of the laity, clergy, Scouters, and non-Scouters alike, who have made significant and outstanding contributions to the spiritual development of Catholic youths through Scouting. This emblem is presented by the Archbishop or Bishop at the Scout Sunday Service held annually at the Cathedral Basilica.

These competitive awards give recognition to Catholic sponsored units that exemplify Scouting’s ideals. There are three levels of recognition for both awards: Merit, Honor and Outstanding. Awardees are selected on a competitive basis utilizing the following criteria: Training, Leadership, Service. Spiritual Growth, Religious Activities, Vocational Awareness, Relationships, and Membership. These awards are presented by the Archbishop or Bishop at the Scout Sunday Service held annually at the Cathedral Basilica.

*Applications are due December 1 to amyeschelbach@archstl.org

For more information on Catholic Scouting in St. Louis, MO click HERE

For more information on Catholic Scouting in Metro East, IL click HERE

For more information on Catholic Scouting in Central Il, click HERE

For more information on Jewish Scouting, Click HERE

For more information on Catholic Scouting in Southeast MO, click HERE

Every Scout has the opportunity to earn their faith’s religious emblem which can be worn on their uniform as a youth or an adult. Religious emblems will fulfill Duty to God adventure requirements for Cub Scouts, Scout Spirit requirements for Scouts BSA and TRUST award for Venturing.

Click on the faiths listed below for a map of congregations participating in the Religious Emblems program:

Duty to God is a central part of the Boy Scouts of America.

The Scout Oath: On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; to help other people at all times; to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.

The Scout Law: A Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent.

To help you find resources for planning unit programs, earning awards, and other religious resources, here is a list of links with useful information.

Steps to earn Religious Emblems
Here are the 5 steps to earn a religious emblem in Scouting:

  1. Books: Obtain the specific booklet for your faith tradition. Materials needed can be found at our Scout Shops, through your faith tradition’s website or online.
  2. Parental involvement: Parents should review the emblem guidelines. Some programs require clergy to serve as counselors, other programs allow family to serve as counselors or mentors.
  3. Religious leaders: Families should talk to their religious leaders before beginning a program.
  4. Find a location offering your emblem:  If your local faith community does not offer the religious emblem programs, Use the links below to find the closest location for your faith.
  5. Complete requirements: The scout needs to complete the requirements, obtain approval as required, and follow the instructions to order the recognition/emblem.

‘Like’ the Duty To God Facebook page!

Visit the Boy Scouts of America ‘s Religious Emblems page for additional information.

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