District Dinner
2025 Black Gold Volunteer Recognition Dinner
February 15, 2025 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Location: Irving School (200 S. Pine St. Centralia, IL)
This year’s Volunteer Recognition Dinner is open to all adult Scouters and their spouses to celebrate the 2024 Scouting year, review our events and achievements, culminating in the prestigious District Award of Merit recognizing one exemplary District Scouter. The uniform for this celebration is the “Class A” official Scout Field Uniform.
District Award of Merit Nomination Form
Greater Saint Louis Area Council - 2025 Black Gold District Dinner (scoutingevent.com)
Klondike Derby
In a Klondike Derby, Scout patrols acting as huskies pull specially designed homemade sleds around a field course marked by stations. At each station the Scouts tackle exercises in problem-solving, as well as contests and other activities with information that can be found in your scout book.
Each patrol or "dog team" (so-called because Scouts act as huskies) follows a course in numerical order as outlined on a map given to the unit leader at registration. The map guides the teams around a circuit of the stations.
As they arrive at each station, the patrols should demonstrate their Scout spirit by giving their patrol yell. They'll encounter a practical problem involving basic Scouting skills.
District Pinewood Derby
Spring Camporee
This year, our Spring Camporee will be at Wispering Pines of Clinton County, May 5th-7th. Come visit for a full weekend of merit badges, rank advancement, and much more fun, but watch out for those ZOMBIES!!!
Greater Saint Louis Area Council - 2023 BG/KS/SE Spring Camporee (scoutingevent.com)
Spring Cub Launch
Cub Launch Activities
Spend a day at camp with the whole family doing all the things Cub Scouts love to do!
BB gun shooting, Archery, Hike the Bobcat Trail (learn what you need to know to get your Bobcat badge!), and STEM demonstrations and activities are just a few of the exciting things available.
More information coming soon!
Twilight Camp
Black Gold Twilight Camp
- For girls and boys, Scouts and non-Scouts, from grades K-5th
- All campers entering K-1st grade in the Fall must be accompanied by an adult partner
- STEM activities included!
- Healthy, fun outdoor activities
- Archery, BB guns, slingshots, fishing, hiking, and games!
Greater Saint Louis Area Council - 2023 Southeast Illinois Day Camps (scoutingevent.com)
Black Gold Merit Badge Days
Through out the District, we have various Merit Badge Days. There is always something to spark the interest of the youth we serve in the Troops.