Special Needs Awareness Training
Upcoming Training Courses
April 27, 2024 at Southern Illinois University in Carbondale
Sigh Up: https://scoutingevent.com/312-2024SpecialNeedsAwarenessTraining
Sign up for the Special Needs Awareness Training for all ages. There will be activities for the Cub Scouts, Disabilities Awareness Merit Badge for Scouts BSA and adult classes for leaders and parents. Attend this training with professionals in the fields of Special Needs and Education for the opportunity to learn how to provide the best services for every Scout.
When you arrive to camp each participant will be divided into Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA, and Leaders/Adult/Parents/Youth Leadership. Each group will be in the general area of the dining hall depending on weather, but wanted to clarify that each group will be divided and given leadership by the special needs committee staff.
Lunch will not be provided to help lower the cost. Everyone is encouraged to bring a sack lunch and drinks/snack for the day of training.
We are in need of youth or adult volunteers to help support the Cub Scout and Scout BSA programs. Please register online as a staff member if interested or email questions to:
Eleanor Phillips, Special Needs Committee Training Chair., philipseleanor@gmail.com
Nick Schubert, Staff Advisor, nicholas.schubert@scouting.org
Register Here: https://scoutingevent.com/312-specialneedstraining
Special Needs Committee
Learn more about the Greater St. Louis Area Council’s special needs committee and find more resources for special needs Scouting HERE.