Ozark Trailblazers District Contact Information
Ozark Trailblazers District
Name | Title | |
Maddie Lasewicz | District Executive | madeline.lasewicz@scouting.org |
Jonathan Borchers | District Chair | jkborchers@gmail.com |
Vacant | District Commissioner | |
Jim Reed | Program Chair | jimrwashcounty109@yahoo.com |
Brandon Noblin | Camping Chair | bnoblin@farmington.k12.mo.us |
Dan Stoeckel | Order of the Arrow Advisor | dan.stoeckel@shawneelodge.org |
Kim Borchers | Family Friends of Scouting Chair | khartel@gmail.com |
Griffin Stoeckel | Training Chair | stoeckelgriffin@gmail.com |
Michael Mittermeyer | Advancement and Eagle Board Chair | michael.mittermeyer@gmail.com |
Deena Ward | Public Relations Chair | deena@farmingtonregionalchamber.com |
Mike Bowers | Unit Commissioner | mbsbbowers@gmail.com |
Greg Stephenson | Unit Commissioner | gregman380@gmail.com |
Les Houston Jr. | Unit Commissioner | leshouston1@gmail.com |
Helpful Links
Resources / Downloads
- 2024-25 Program Guides
- Youth Application | Adult Application (for adult volunteers and new Venturing and Sea Scouting participants who are 18 but not yet 21)
- Criminal Background Check Form
- Financial Assistance Form
- Missouri Care - Healthy Blue Assistance Form
- Annual Health and Medical Form
- New Cub Scout Leader Guide
- New Parent Orientation Guide
- Unit money-earning application
- Certificate of Insurance – Online Request Form
- Fiscal Policies: Unit Finances & Tax Exemption Status
- Incident Report Form
- Near Miss Incident Form
- Youth Protection & Membership Infraction Reporting
- Scouting's Barriers to Abuse
- Youth Protection and Barriers to Abuse FAQs
- How to Print Membership Cards
- How to Print Charter Certificates
- Awards and Nomination Forms
- Unit Budget Worksheet
- Boy Scouts of America
- Cub Scouts
- Guide to Safe Scouting
- Scouting's Barriers to Abuse
- Youth Protection and Barriers to Abuse FAQs
- Internet Advancement
- ScoutingWire.org
- Scouting Uniforms
- Merit Badge Counselor Directory
Internet Rechartering
Click here to visit the Rechartering website.
Click here for a brief tutorial (requires Flash Player)
Click here for an overview.
To renew your unit charter on-line:
- Sixty days before your unit’s expiration date, select a renewal processor. This should be someone in your unit who is familiar with the members and leaders of your unit to ensure all information provided through the process is correct.
- Your unit charter renewal packet is distributed to the unit leadership and includes an access code specifically assigned to your unit.
- Thirty to forty-five days before your unit’s expiration date, the renewal processor clicks Recharter Now on this webpage and begins the process.
- When the on-line process is completed, the renewal processor prints the completed charter renewal application.
- The Unit Leader and the Executive Officer sign the charter renewal application. The signed application along with any individual applications for new youth members or adult leaders, and materials received in the charter renewal packet and all appropriate fees, should then be brought to the Council Service Center, or your district’s charter turn-in meeting.
Ozark Trailblazers Trail to Eagle
The Eagle Board meets at the Farmington Regional Chamber of Commerce meeting room at 6:30 PM on the third Thursday of the month. You must schedule with the Eagle Board Chair at least 2 weeks before your board meeting.
*New for 2024 - Please bring your Eagle Packet to Roundtable (1st Thursday of the month) or send it with your Scoutmaster. You can also send a digital copy to the Eagle Board Chair and Co-Chair.
Tentative 2024 dates:
- April 18
- May 16
- June 20
- July 18
- August 15
- September 19
- October 17
- November 21
- December 19
To schedule, please contact:
Eagle Board Chair: Mr. Michael Mittermeyer - 573.776.5705, michael.mittermeyer@gmail.com
Eagle Board Co-Chair: Mrs. Louise Houston - 573.330.1812, louise-houston@sbcglobal.net
Ozark Trailblazers Unit Directory
Unit | Cubmaster/
Scoutmaster |
Town | Phone Number | |
Pack 3423 | Michael Bowers | Park Hills | 573 330-5124 | mbsbbowers@gmail.com |
Pack 3247 | Todd Siddle | Farmington | 573 535-0765 | tsiddle@sbcglobal.net |
Pack 3471 | Jordan Flieg | Farmington | 573-535-0001 | jmflieg@hotmail.com |
Pack 3248 | Carl Breakfield | Potosi | carl.breakfield482016@gmail.com | |
Pack 3403 | Michelle Ladd | Arcadia | 573 546-0488 | cjsmommy56@gmail.com |
Pack 3410 | Nicholas Rozier | Bloomsdale | 314 520-7641 | nick_rozier@att.net |
Pack 3404 | Shawn Long | Ste. Genevieve | 573 225-5375 | shawnclong83@gmail.com |
Troop 150 | Brad Ziegler | Ste. Genevieve | 636-227-5244 | troop150.stegen@gmail.com |
Troop 410 | Wes Huffman | Bloomsdale | 314 856-2334 | weshuffman1@gmail.com |
Troop 549 | Adam Bowers | Park Hills | 573 701-8571 | mabowers1s@gmail.com |
Troop 247 | Ben Smith | Farmington | 314 283-4582 | bensmithphoto@gmail.com |
Troop 471/483 | Cynthia Pikey | Farmington | 573 330-5998 | cmpikey@gmail.com |
Troop 403 | Jeremy Medley | Arcadia | 573 697-5811 | medleyj@yahoo.com |