Upcoming Den Chief Training
September 28th|In Person
October 26th| Virtual Training
Registration Link HERE
Den Leaders who currently have, or are interested in having, Den Chiefs should attend this training. Beyond learning what a Den Chief can do for your and your Den, we discuss and explain the roles and responsibilities of the Den Chief and Den Leaders. This training, which includes an Adult Session, will help you understand how to utilize the Den Chief role and understand the assistance this Scout can provide you. We have reduced the cost for adults because we think it is so important for Den Leaders to attend. Troop Leaders may also want to attend so they have a clearer understanding of how they can support their Den Chiefs.
The Den Chief Program is a key means of building relationships between the Cub Scout pack and the Scout troop. A den chief is a Scout who assists a Cub Scout or Webelos den leader at den and pack meetings and other Scouting events. A valuable source of guidance, skills, songs, and games, the den chief encourages the Scouts in their advancement and shares their enthusiasm for Scouting with the den.
A den chief mentors Cub Scouts while acquainting them with the world of Scouting, its outdoor activities, trips, summer camp, and opportunities for advancement. When it’s time for them to move up to a Webelos den or a Scout troop, they will find guidance and help with the transition from the den chief.
Den Chief Training is the perfect course for enthusiastic Scouts who desire a leadership role and are interested in working with younger Scouts.