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Southern Illinois NESA Committee – Eagle Scouts from Piasa Bird, Black Gold, Cahokia Mounds, Kaskaskia, and St. Clair Districts in southern Illinois can earn one of three scholarships $1,000 scholarship to be awarded at our March Southern Illinois Eagle Scout Banquet. Applications must be received by January 21st of the new year by send your form to southernillnesa@gmail.com

Scholarship Application

 Eagle Scout of the Year Award

The Southern Illinois NESA Committee shall select five outstanding Eagle Scouts based on the Eagle Scout’s demonstrated practical leadership and citizenship in his school, Scouting, and Community.  Then out of the five Outstanding Eagles the committee shall select one for Eagle Scout of the Year. The application must be received by January 21st of the new year via email to southernillnesa@gmail.com

Application of Eagle Scout of the Year

Project of the Year- for Southern Illinois Eagle Scout Association
The Southern Illinois NESA Committee will select one Eagle Scout Project submitted that display the scout’s leadership ability, project content, community service to represent the Southern Illinois NESA Commitee at the council level for possible submission to Greater St. Louis Area Council project of the year to our territory.
Applicaiton for Eagle Scout Project of the Year

National Eagle Scout Association The National Eagle Scout Association offers two types of Eagle Scout scholarships: academic and merit.


Deadlines extended for Eagle Scouts to apply for NESA scholarships.
Learn More

2021 Application Timeline

  • Eagle Board of Review Date: Must be on or before February 8, 2021.
  • Application Portal Open: December 1, 2020 through February 12, 2021.
  • Application Must be Completed and Submitted by: 11:59 p.m. CST on February 12, 2021.
  • Announcement of Scholarship Awards: June 11, 2021.

Gateway Battalion Army ROTC
ROTC Scholarship

The ARMY ROTC Scholarship Program is designed to provide financial assistance for quality students who achieved academic excellence in high school and college. To help you meet the cost of a college education, Army ROTC offers four-year, three-year and two-year scholarships. This program enables students to earn appointments as commissioned officers in the United States Army.

Sons of the American Revolution (Missouri)– Open to all Eagle Scouts who are currently registered in an active unit and have not reached their 19th birthday during the year of application. The year that Eagle was awarded is not restricted.

Sons of the American Revolution (Illinois)- The local SAR Chapter can provide Eagle Scouts a Certificate of Recognition from the National Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution and an opportunity to earn scholarship awards. The Illinois Chapters of the SAR have a state award of $1,000. The winning Scout gets his essay submitted to the National SAR board for a potential $10,000 scholarship.

VFW Scout of the Year Scholarship Scouts who are registered, active members who have received the Eagle Scout Award, Venture Silver Award, Sea Scout Quartermaster Award, or Girl Scout Gold Award. Scouts must be at least 15 years of age to apply, and must have demonstrated practical citizenship in school, scouting and the community. VFW Scout of the Year Brochure and Entry Form

American Legion Eagle Scout of the Year Applications due no later than March 1, 2024. Click here for application. $750 scholarship.  Send completed applications to:

American Legion Department of Missouri
BSA Committee
Post Office Box 179
Jefferson City, MO 65102-0179

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