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Life to Eagle Info

Eagle Boards Overview – Roundtable Overview PPT
Life to Eagle PPT Presentation

All Eagle Scout Paperwork can be turned in online to the Greater St. Louis Area Council.
Click here to find instructions on the Electronic Eagle Scout Application Process. 

Important Information to Note about Eagle Extensions

The Council has the authority to grant limited extensions of time to complete Eagle, Quartermaster, and Summit requirements. Extension requests will be reviewed locally rather than through the national office.

The Council is required to follow the new Guide to Advancement rules.   These will be included in the next publication and are available now at www.scouting.org/advancement.

Extensions are available only to youth members who qualify under the three tests listed In the new guide material.

Any new or additional time requests will have to be submitted using the 2021 process.

Scheduling a Project Proposal Review

  • You will need to ensure that you use the most current Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook.
    Eagle Scout Project Workbook.
  • Your proposal needs to be reviewed and signed by the Benefiting organization representative, your Unit leader, and a Committee member.

Scheduling a Final Eagle Board of Review
Before calling, your Eagle Application will need to be signed by Council and returned to you.
When bringing your paperwork to Council, you will need:

  • Eagle Scout Application with signatures from your Unit Leader, Unit Committee Chair, found here.
  • Twenty-One (21) merit badge cards are listed on the Eagle Scout Application.
  • A Statement of Ambitions and Life Purpose
  • Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook
  • Five letters of recommendation sealed in envelopes (letters should match the references on Requirement #2 of your Eagle Scout Application)

To be fair to all Scouts, appointments will be given on a first-come / first-serve, and if you call before the necessary signatures are in place, you may be placed at the back of the line.
To schedule an appointment:
Call the New Horizons District Eagle Board of Review’s Appointment Line and leave a message.
Remember to speak slowly and clearly so that your call can be returned:

  • Your name (please spell your last name)
  • Phone number
  • Troop number
  • Best time for us to reach you
  • Project Proposal Review or Final Eagle Board of Review
  • If you require a specific week or just the next available appointment.

Appointments are NOT finalized until a Weekly Coordinator has contacted you. Ensure that the number you leave is correct and that a voicemail can be left. The Weekly Coordinator will review the requirements for your respective board and provide you with a date and time for your review.

Our weekly coordinators are:

First Wednesday of the month:
Matt Smith – brucats@sbcglobal.net

Second Wednesday of the month:
Janet O’Neal – skywalker91@sbcglobal.net

Fourth Wednesday of the month:
Mark Shapland – mrshapland@netzero.com

Eagle Scout Process Overview
Life to Eagle Workshop Handout
Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook
Navigating the Eagle Scout Service Project Information for Project Beneficiaries
Age Guidelines for Tool Use and Work at Elevations or Excavations
Eagle Scout Application‘Statement of Life’s Ambition’ Guidance
Eagle Scout Letter of Recommendation Fillable Form

Parents & Leaders – If you have a Scout with special needs, help us help your Scouts. Please feel free to let the weekly coordinator know. We have specially trained reviewers that we can ask to participate.

Check out our Events Page for more details about upcoming seminars.


If you have any questions about the Eagle Scout process, please contact:
John Klos
New Horizons Eagle Board of Review Chair

Ruben Brill
New Horizons District Advancement Chair

District volunteer information is no longer publicly available. For any Scouting questions, please let us know here.

Contact your district professionals:

District Executive Nick Prainito

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